Half-Day Loving-kindness Meditation Course, Saturday December 1, 2018

Lakeland Meditation Group is excited to offer a short course on loving-kindness and compassion meditation at the beginning of the holiday season. Loving-kindness meditations are healing contradictions to anger, sadness and worry, and help us to feel more at ease and connected to others. Whether you are new to meditation, experienced in other styles, or an […]

Counseling: What You Need To Know

Family Counseling Services in Lakeland Family Counseling – Once upon a time I had never seen a counselor.  But I was getting desperate- my life felt like it was falling apart and things were getting to a scary point. I became grudgingly willing to see someone in case there was any way counseling could help […]

What a Little Child Can Do

We want our children to have a great childhood. We want to make their lives pleasant and fun. We may even say their only job is to do well in school. But what are we teaching? Dear child, you have only one job in life? Others will take care of the “menial” tasks? You don’t […]