
Developmental Tasks toward a Healthy Sex Life

Healthy sexual relationships are built of physical, emotional and relational skills developed over a lifetime. Growth Stage Developmental Tasks Consider that skills are Introduced, Practiced, and Mastered over time. NO ONE gets all these in the time frame suggested. EVERYONE has challenges in healthy sexuality. Almost all skills can be learned later than indicated. Birth […]

ASK For What You Want

When my husband and I first met, he wasn’t interested. He thought I was cute, but crazy. I knew right away he was someone I wanted to get to know better. He was one of 7 men in a classroom of 50 people. I kept hearing some beautiful male voice say things that really impressed […]

Twelve-Point Inspection Checklist for Relationships

In the summertime, many of us take to the road and travel by car. We are bound for New Orleans, Wisconsin, New England, California or my home state, Florida. With car travel imminent, a lot of folks take their cars to the mechanic to get a check up- just to make sure their cars are […]

Relationship Repair

In the 1970’s the band Three Dog Night sang “One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do. Two can be as bad as one, it’s the loneliest number since the number one.” Whether you are pretty good friends but the romance has gone out of your relationship; or you’re not able to get through […]