Calming the Anxious Mind, Virtual. 9AM-3PM, Saturday, March 20, 2021, with Andy Quinn. Anxiety is epidemic in the United States. From the pandemic and politics, to financial and parenting we seem to have a lot of stress. Emphasis will be on meditative technique to calm the mind. All are welcome.... Read more →

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Lakeland FL 33801
Lakeland FL 33801
Calming the Anxious Mind, One Day Virtual Meditation Course, March 20, 2021
Calming the Anxious Mind, Virtual. 9AM-3PM, Saturday, March 20, 2021, with Andy Quinn. Anxiety is epidemic in the United States. From the pandemic and politics, to financial and parenting we seem to have a lot of stress. Emphasis will be on meditative technique to calm the mind. All are welcome. Please contact Andy 863-683-9600 or […]
Let’s Play Nice: How Can We Smooth Out Our Rough Edges
All of us have been touched by warm and fulfilling connections to the world around us. When we feel this way, we know things are right. For those of us that have not much of that, we think that we may be missing something or something may be wrong with us. When we are not […]
Half-Day Loving-kindness Meditation Course, Saturday December 1, 2018
Lakeland Meditation Group is excited to offer a short course on loving-kindness and compassion meditation at the beginning of the holiday season. Loving-kindness meditations are healing contradictions to anger, sadness and worry, and help us to feel more at ease and connected to others. Whether you are new to meditation, experienced in other styles, or an […]